Southpark Storage
Self Storage Investment Property
Infill location with great population density
High quality facility with low maintenance requirements
Upside available through revenue management
Easily accessible
South Park Storage is a Class B storage facility consisting of 29,857 rentable square feet (33,960 gross square feet) and located at 10863 E. 41st St, Tulsa, OK. The property consists of two parcels totaling 5.51 acres. It is sited directly to the east of highly trafficked 169 highway (100,000 cars per day) and ½ a mile from the Broken Arrow Expressway (100,000 cars per day). There is a large pole sign along 41st Street which provides a highly visible entrance point into the property.
The property was constructed in 2001 of steel construction and is a mix of 60% non-climate/ 40% climate. The dual-sloped pitch roof has roof top condensing units on the climate controlled building. The property has concrete drives sloped metal roofs, security cameras, key pad access, a fenced perimeter, interior lighting, exterior lighting, on-site office (1,080 sf) and on-site apartment (1,080 sf).
The facility is in close proximity to numerous traffic generators for the area includeing; Reasors Grocery Store, QuikTrip, Jack in the Box, multiple large apartment complexes and a substantial mobile home park. There is a significant amount of mature, residential development within the property’s trade area and positive population growth trend forecasts (5% increase within the next 5 years)
The property has had several years of stabilized occupancy (Physical Occupancy 87.2%) with no revenue management systems. The property has only recently established an internet presence through their affiliation with U-Haul.
Reserve A
Something to note is the parcel known as “Reserve A”. There is a possibility of generating income through this additional land by expanding open parking or adding another building. Engineering professionals would need to be consulted to prove this out.
Southpark Storage
10863 E 41st Street
Tulsa, OK 74146
Sales Price: Call Broker
RSF: 29,857
Acres: 5.51
Built in: 2001

For more information please fill out our form or contact
Jared Jones, CCIM
Jones Investment Properties
(918) 948-3941